March 18, 2014



One reason why I really want to watch this movie is someone said to me like this before we broke up "Kalo putus sama kamu, aku gak bakalan pacaran sama cewek lain. Aku mau pacaran sama komputerku aja". Then suddenly this movie, after several months if I'm not mistaken, playing at cinema. Jadi gue makin kepo setelah baca sinopsisnya kalo cowok ini, Joaquin Phoenix atau Theodore, jatuh cinta sama Operating System atau OS yang ada di sistem komputernya.

That shit which someone said before to me was getting real. Memang belum terjadi di dunia nyata sih, dimana program bisa benar-benar berinteraksi dengan manusia kayak Samantha (di film ini, nama "suara" komputernya Samantha, which is Scarlett Johansson). Gue kurang suka genre Sci-Fi, another boring movie genre, for me. Gue selalu, entah ketiduran, entah nguap-nguap, entah gue tinggal ngapain aja, atau gue skip bagian filmnya setiap nonton genre ini. Hahaha!

I used to call someone freak, because he really likes this genre. (Sorry there!) Tapi film ini beda dari segelintir film Sci-Fi yang pernah gue tonton. Memang tadi sempet ketiduran sepersekian menit, cuma overall ceritanya bagus, touchy. How Theodore could fall in love with someone he has never seen before, how a voice could break someone's heart even he will never meet Samantha, etc.

How love can blind you without giving a single fuck to what others think about you and your life partner. Sempat menitikkan airmata sedikit, dan bilang "Bangke, kenapa jalan ceritanya gitu banget?!". I used to love someone before I meet him, well, maybe its because Libra is easy to fall in love with someone else or what I don't know. You may laugh at me for doing that stupid thing, but for me, I do love him at that time. I love his caring, I love his voice, and yeah I just simply love him without knowing about his appearance. :)

One big question still, where did Samantha and the other OS go?

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